Tuesday, March 4, 2008

NHD Reflection

This years national history day was not nearly as difficult as last years, simply because i had experienced the enormous amount of time and effort in the year prior to the present. Now this sounds remarkable but unfortunitely i haven't been too honest. Honestly this year I attempted to tackled a far stronger and complexed opponent, making the story of my journey to success appear more triumphant, but clearly more complicated. My NHD project consist of the commercialization of hip hop altering its original intent from protest to finacial manipulation. Many ask what does that mean? In basic terms hip hop once was something that spoke for the people, because it was powered by the people, but in modern society it is no longer ran by the peolpe but instead the Corporate America that can not relate to the people, so how could it speak for them? Since this dramatic change occurred my partner Todd Latimore and i decided that we wanted to know how this change appeared and who caused it and what would it take to get it the original hip hop back. This project showed the history of hip hop which is a culture that is prodamnitally black, therefore inlarged my knowledge of my peolple. My project reflects how over time hip hop has placed the wait of its existance in hands that aren't strong enought to carry it.

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