Hip-hop today is probably the most influential form of entertainment and communication in modern society. Although many humans love this expression of art, hip-hop is also the most controversial form of entertainment and communication in modern society and perhaps ever. I chose to do this project originally to open the eyes of the world to see hip-hop as its true essence; you could say I was defending it in a way. But I didn’t just want to attack those against it I wanted people that love hip hop to see the difference in what it is now and what its original purpose was. Ironically as I was researching the web to find evidence to attempt on defending hip-hop, I recognize that my task was nearly impossible. There was no defending a criminal who does everything wrong and not only admits it publicly but brags as if it the right thing to do. Hip-hop has become nothing more than a way to express violence, drugs, money and sex. Hip-hop has become its own enemy. Hip-hop once was a way to protest or express feelings about major political and environmental issues. Doesn’t it make you wonder how did hip-hop drift so far from its original purpose? Well if you didn’t think that I did, so I began to search the Internet on why hip-hop is the way it is currently. My national history day project is on the commercialization of underground music altering its original intent from protest to financial manipulation. Hip-hop started in the 60’s but wasn’t actually labeled as hip-hop until the 70’s. People try to blame what hip-hop is today on the government. Actually people blame the government for a lot that happens in America. And the government is responsible for a lot of things, but Americans fail to realize there is higher power than the government and it’s called money. Any and every thing that happens revolves around money and that’s something not even the government can control. The wealthy whites hated hip-hop just like anything else that quickly became popular in the black community. But since hip hop became so strong because people could relate to it, the wealthy whites couldn’t stop it, so instead of taking its power they joined it and promoted it for something other than politics, something less harmful to there money that revolves around politics, but something they could still make money off. Because they couldn’t beat them in the popularity contest they out smarted them and eventually gain controll still. Hip-hop is a product of the rich whites and government, who are now the same people that are trying to put an end to it. They want to abolish it because they can’t control it so they can’t make money off hip hop. Hip-hop went from a form of to that was pure and from the heart to a fight for authority and a large scandal to gain wealth. Now do you wonder why is it the way it is?
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